2021 Haymarket Day Parade

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GMS Gymnasts tumbling down Washington Street has been one of the highlights of the annual Haymarket Day Parade. GMS Team members participate in this event to promote health and fitness within the community. This year the Haymarket Day Parade will be Halloween Themed! Participants and Parade vehicles are required to be dressed up to keep with the “Spook-Tacular” Parade. We have chosen the  “Super Gymnast” theme which requires parade walkers/tumblers to design a mask and wear a Parade specific Tank. The Parade will start roughy around 9:30 however drop off will be around 8:15 a.m. Gymnasts will walk and perform light tumbling down Washington Street. The parade route is usually 1 mile and will take around 30 minutes. We will post more updates when we receive final preparations from the Parade organizers. Parade Registration is open to 80 participants. Please register using the link provided. We can’t wait to see everyone! If you would like to volunteer to help with the Parade please let us know on the Parade registration form.